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Ti- Martian

Ti- Martian

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Titanium Martian – A Revolutionary Yo-Yo with No Titanium Noise

I believe everyone loves titanium yo-yos for their sleek, luxurious look and the powerful, long spin they deliver. Many people also enjoy the unique sound they produce—a distinct metallic resonance that only titanium can offer. However, there are times when that sound can feel a bit too loud, especially in public settings, when all you really want is to enjoy the raw power and performance of titanium.


Since 2014, various brands have released titanium yo-yos in different shapes and designs. However, due to the limitations of titanium as a material, many of these designs were simply aluminum yo-yos reimagined with a more expensive material, often with performance falling short of their original aluminum versions.


We wanted to create something different. After testing several pure titanium prototypes in early 2024, we decided to shift direction and go beyond the traditional pure titanium design.


Ultimately, we based our innovation on our flagship model, the “Martian.” Traditional titanium yo-yos generate a distinctive metallic sound during play, which can be disruptive in public spaces. To address this, we covered the titanium body with a PC outer layer, successfully isolating and eliminating the metallic resonance, providing a quieter experience.


We also upgraded the specifications to meet modern competitive standards:

Width: 50mm

Diameter: 57mm

Weight: 66.3g

Our brand has always been about exploring science and technology. From names like “yofo,” “Martian,”“Insulator,” to “Martis” and “New Moon,” we’ve been crafting products that bring a sci-fi, futuristic vibe to life. Staying true to this theme, we designed a unique packaging for our first titanium Martian.

The packaging takes inspiration from a scientific lab. It’s a sleek black hard case with clean, futuristic details, giving it a mysterious, high-tech feel. Inside, we used high-density foam with custom-cut grooves to fit the Martian perfectly. This foam is much tougher than the typical sponge, ensuring durability and a snug fit that lasts. It doesn’t just protect the Martian—it enhances its premium, high-tech presence.


When you open the box and take out the Martian, you’ll immediately notice the difference. This isn’t just packaging—it’s part of the experience. It elevates the Martian into something more, like a futuristic piece of tech you’d expect to find in a sci-fi lab.

This design not only ensures outstanding control and stability but also delivers competition-grade spin performance, making the Titanium Martian a game-changer in the world of titanium yo-yos.


Titanium Martian – 革新的な静音チタンヨーヨー











: 50mm

直径: 57mm

重量: 66.3g


私たちのブランドは常に「科学技術の探求」をテーマにしており、「yofo」「Martian」「Mars」「Insulator」「Martis」「New Moon」といった名前からもわかるように、SF的で未来的な世界観を追求しています。このテーマに基づき、初のチタン製Martianには特別なパッケージをデザインしました。






このデザインは、優れた操作性と安定性を実現するだけでなく、競技レベルのスピン性能を提供します。Titanium Martianは、チタンヨーヨーの世界に新たな基準を打ち立てる存在です。

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